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Birding Tours
The avifauna of Jamaica include a total of 324 species, 28 species are endemic to the island.
Highland Estate's main elevation is 1,200 ft. With a peak elevation of around 1,500 ft. making it a perfect enviroment for numerous species of birds. The birding tours we offer are great, you can just go at your own pace with "Baby" our local bird guide. I have seen three of the four hummingbird (Red-billed Streamertail, Black-billed Streamertail, and the Jamaican Mango) species found in Jamaica here on the property. The Yellow-billed Parrot is my personal favorite. They are very vocal when they are jetting overhead, and also fly in groups. Really beautiful birds, and very gifted pilots. I see the American Kestrel (shown below) everyday he and she watch over the farm. The bird viewing available here at Highland Estate is excellent. The list of birds I have seen include; Red and Black-billed Streamertail, Jamaican Mango, Jamaican Tody, Jamaican Pewee, Jamaican Woodpecker, Jamaican Stripe-headed Tanager, Yellow-billed Parakeet, Black-billed Parakeet, Red-tailed Hawk, American Kestrel, Barn Owl, Jamaican Owl, Stolid Flycatcher, Orangequit, Black-whiskered Vireo, White-winged Dove, Caribbean Dove, Mourning Dove, Plain Pigeon, Cattle Egret. Plus many more. This property is what really got me into birding.
Come listen to the songs of the birds and relax in the coolness of the hills of Jamaica at Highland Estate.

American Kestrel
My friend shown here about ready to take flight and get a mouse.

Jamaican Tody
The Jamaican Tody or known in Jamaica as Robin, Red Robin, or Rasta Bird is only found in Jamaica.

American Kestrel
Barn Owl
The Kestral, just chilling keeping it real.
The Owl or Patoo (Jamaican for owl) this one loves the bamboo and big mango tree.

Jamaican Mango
The Jamaican Mango is very pretty. It loves to eat from the White Hibiscus right at sunset.

Jamaican Doctor Bird

Red-billed Streamertail
The Red-billed Streamertail is a really special bird for Jamaica, it is the national bird. Very beautiful, I see them everyday.
Really red bill you have, bird.

Yellow-billed Parrot
If you look closely you can see the Yellow-billed Parrots flying in the picture here. They are very fast and hard to catch for a close up. What an awesome bird, and only can be found in Jamaica.